It is time for environmental movements to upscale their act

We are living in an age where we are really feeling the impact of environment degradation created by our own society. Forest fires, flooding, water scarcity, higher sea temperatures, species’ extinction, polluted air and much more. We constantly remind ourselves through social media that we are gradually destroying our planet, our home. Numerous environmental movements were born in all corners of the world who constantly create awareness about the ecocide happening across all countries. There has been no other time where environmental movements have been most relevant and mostly needed. But can such movements do more?

In my opinion, environmental movements must stop being only pressure groups. They need to upscale their act and get elected in government. Most existing political parties in parliament are capitalist extremists where money is their primary objective. Where the citizen is only an optional on their agenda. Where wealth distribution is only a spill off from the coffers of the greedy few. Where banks are raping the weak. We need to remove the looters from our parliaments. We need people in parliament who have the citizens at the centre of their agenda. Where the environment is really at heart of the policies.

We need to drive a green economy where it will serve the needs of the present without jeopardising the livelihood of future generations.  We need economies that benefit, not sacrifice, social justice, equity and the environment. We need incentives for eco-friendly innovation. We need urban planning that improves the quality of life.  We need clean energy free from fossil fuels.  We need to support local agricultural businesses that have least impact on our climate. 

Most people think that a green economy will degrade their social status. It does not. We can still generate wealth in a green economy. It will definitely give equal opportunities to all and not a selected few. The transition to a green economy will have its challenges. We can do it with the least impact on existing livelihoods. We cannot simply sit on our couches or shout slogans at our public squares and wait for change to happen. We have to be an integral part of the mechanism to push this much need change forward. If environmental movements are serious about making an impact on our society and future generations, then they must engage in the mechanism to implement green policies and laws and ensure the right enforcement is in place to safeguard the future of our children. Environmental movements tend to shy away from the actual politics but it should not be that way even if democracy is often exploited by those who seek office for their selfish interest. We need responsible individuals to run a healthy democracy and serve the people. Our society needs leaders with good character and integrity. We need the people’s well-being back in the parliaments’ agenda.

It will not be a smooth journey for such movements to obtain parliament seats but it is the only way to get rid of this madness that is destroying the future of our children.

Jose’ Micallef

29th August 2019